07 APR 2018
Carefresh Bedding Vs Wood Shavings
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Carefresh
One 14l bag of Carefresh bedding will normally last 2-3 months whilst the customer using wood shavings will use 4 or more bags during the same period. Wood shavings is a very poor absorbent and needs to be changed every 5-7 days, while Carefresh bedding only need changing every 3-4 weeks. How much will 4 bags of wood shavings cost versus the one bag of Carefresh for same period? Which product is better?   Wood shavings are commonly used in South Africa as a bedding for small animals because it’s cheap, absorbent and masks the odour from urine. However, there is enough scientific evidence that proves wood shavings (even kiln dried) are toxic to the liver and respiratory system of small animals (http://www.afrma.org/pineproblem.htm). Their time as primary bedding component used by conscientious pet owners have passed. Many pet owners are looking for safer and healthier alternatives. When you open a bag of wood shavings you will instantly smell the "aromatic".. [More] carefreshnaturalbeddinghamster.jpg
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